So lately everybody has been really eager to get a GSHock. WHile GShocks are cool I really want a Nixon watch. They are way cheaper the GShocks and they look WAY better. The really simple but very abstract! ANd i dont even like watches but I would wear this one EVERY single day!
Kid Cudi is a rapper/singer. But also tons of people (including me) think that he dresses really cool. He has a simple but "raw" style. You see a lot of people dressing like him lately. Also his cd is in stores now!! And its AWESOME!!
When i grow up. I expect lots of money and fame. Fashion will be my career. London will be the place I reside. Big dreams such a small body! Dreams of my own city, clothing line and body guards. Being friends with high in celebrities. Driving around in a Royals Royce while my Bentley is in the shop. By the newest Louis Vuitton Item before it comes out. Send everybody Chanel Bags and Nixon watches for christmas. Bye the most expensive liquor and celebrate my dreams coming true. One day at a time i try too come closer to achieving those dreams. And its so close i can almost taste it! Ill NEVER give up!